The Best Budget Home Gym Mirrors: A Comprehensive Guide

Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’ve been working out for years, a home gym is a great investment. Not only does it allow you to workout whenever you want, but it also eliminates the need to go to the gym and wait in line for machines. Another important piece of equipment for any home gym is a mirror. Mirrors not only help you keep track of your form, but they also help create the illusion of a bigger space. In this blog post, we will discuss the best budget home gym mirrors and where to buy them. We’ll also give you tips on how to install them and take care of them!

Man using a gym mirror to make sure he is using proper form

Types of mirrors for budget home gyms – floor mirrors vs wall-mounted mirrors

Each type of budget home gym mirror has its pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at each option to help you decide which budget home gym mirror is right for you.

Floor mirrors are a popular choice for budget home gyms because they’re relatively inexpensive and they’re easy to set up. However, floor mirrors can be cumbersome to move around and they can take up a lot of space. If space is limited in your home gym, every square foot matters and a floor mirror takes up valuable real estate.

Wall-mounted mirrors are a great alternative to floor mirrors because they’re more compact and they offer a full-length reflection. However, wall-mounted mirrors can be more expensive than floor mirrors and they require a bit more installation.

Wall-mounted mirrors can come in one solid piece, or they can be several smaller mirrors arranged like tiles to create a large mirror. The solid piece is less work to hang up because you only do the work once and it gives you a seamless view, but it’s more expensive to replace if it ever breaks. Tiled mirrors involve more setup but are much cheaper to replace if anything ever happens to one of the set.

So, which budget home gym mirror is right for you? If you’re looking for an affordable option that’s easy to set up, go with a floor mirror. If you want a more compact mirror that offers a full-length reflection, go with a wall-mounted mirror.

Factors to consider when choosing a mirror for your home gym

There are several factors to consider when looking for a budget home gym mirror:

– Budget. What exactly is your budget here? Gym mirrors can range in price from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, so it’s important to set a budget before you start shopping.

– Size. Mirrors come in all shapes and sizes, so you’ll need to measure the wall space where you want to hang your mirror to make sure you get the right size. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to leave space for any other gym equipment you have.

– Type of glass. There are two main types of gym mirrors: plate glass and safety glass. Plate glass is less expensive, but it’s also more likely to break. Safety glass is more expensive, but it’s also much stronger and less likely to break if something hits it.

– Shatterproof or not. Another thing to consider is whether to buy a shatterproof mirror. These are either made from a reflective optical film that can’t shatter, or have a coating that prevents the mirror from shattering even if the glass inside breaks. Shatterproof mirrors are a little more expensive, but they’re worth it to avoid cleaning up glass shards after an accident.

– Frame material. Gym mirrors can be framed in wood, metal, or plastic. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the right material for your needs. Wood is classic and stylish, but it’s also heavy and expensive. Metal is strong and durable, but it can rust over time. Plastic is light and budget-friendly, but it may not be as durable as metal or wood.

The best budget home gym mirrors

These are the mirrors that I personally prefer for various situations. Their reviews are excellent and they are all shatter/explosion proof. This list also steers clear of the more expensive options and opts for the highest quality for the least money possible.

Best single piece wall-mounted mirror: Honyee 26” x 28” Home Gym Mirror

Honyee 26” x 28” Home Gym Mirror

This frameless mirror is the kind you see lining the weight area of commercial gyms.

At the time of writing it sells for $139.99 on Amazon, making this much more budget friendly for this size.

One tip: use screws to install this one and not adhesive strips. It’s heavy and can easily be too much for the strips.

Best tile set wall-mounted mirror: Quegau Kids Safe Shatterproof Mirrors

Quegau Kids Safe Shatterproof Mirrors

Advertised as being safe for kids, these are acrylic plexiglass that won’t shatter even if they fall off the wall. You can bend these or drop them on the ground without serious damage.

These come in various sizes and are currently going for $25.98 for a 4-pack of 12” x 12” on Amazon, making this a great option for a budget.

Best floor mirror: NeuType 64″x21″ Full Length Mirror

NeuType 64"x21" Full Length Mirror

You can purchase this in a variety of shapes and frame styles, so you can easily find one that fits the aesthetic of your home gym.

It’s shatterproof and is specially treated to avoid rust and oxidation on the frame or mirror backing.

It’s also all one piece including the stand, so setup couldn’t be simpler.

This piece currently goes for $99.88 on Amazon. A lot of reviewers say that it’s equivalent in quality to mirrors that are significantly more expensive.

How to install a mirror in your home gym

Floor mirrors are simple enough–they almost always come with a stand or legs that fold out from the main piece, or the manufacturer provides specific directions on what to do.

Installing a wall-mounted mirror can be a different story. Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll need to do to get your new mirror installed:

1. First, choose the location for your mirror. You’ll want to make sure it’s placed at a comfortable height and is positioned so that you can see your full reflection while in lifting position. Consider how well you might see yourself while using each piece of equipment in your home gym.

2. Once you’ve chosen the perfect spot, use a level to mark the wall where you’ll be attaching the mirror. This will help ensure that your mirror is hung straight.

3. Next, gather the supplies you’ll need to attach the mirror to the wall. This includes screws or nails, a drill or hammer, and something to act as a spacer between the wall and the mirror (like washers). Alternatively, you can use heavy-duty adhesive strips. You will also probably need someone else to help by holding the mirror while you fasten it to the wall.

4. Begin by attaching the top of the mirror to the wall using your chosen fasteners, making sure to add the spacers first. If you are driving screws or nails into the wall, make sure that they are going into studs. To check for studs, you can knock on the wall in different places until you hear a more solid thud, telling you that something solid is behind the drywall. Then, add spacers to the sides and bottom of the mirror before securing those in place.

5. Finally, step back and admire your handiwork! Your new mirror is now installed and ready for use. Plus, it’s one more step closer to having the home gym of your dreams.

Maintenance and care tips for mirrors in home gyms

Mirrors require regular care and maintenance in order to stay looking their best. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

-Wipe mirrors down with a clean, soft cloth after every use. This will prevent them from becoming smeared or streaked.

-Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers, as these can damage the surface of the mirror.

-If your mirror does become stained, you can make a gentle cleaning solution by mixing equal parts water and vinegar. Apply this to the surface of the mirror with a soft cloth, and then rinse with clean water.

-Be sure to dust mirrors regularly, as buildup can obscure your reflection and be difficult to clean off again without scratching the mirror.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your mirrors clean and clear for years to come.

Every home gym needs a mirror. Whether you’re looking to save space or money, there’s a type of budget mirror for your home gym. By considering the factors we discussed and selecting the best form of budget mirror for your needs, you can make sure that your at-home workouts are efficient and effective. Let us know in the comments what form mistakes you corrected by using a mirror in your home gym routine!